Saturday, January 16, 2010

Social Capital, Six Degrees, & SNA

For my first week's blog post, I have decided to comment on the article/video I viewed:

"YouTube: Visualizing The US Senate by Social Graph" [video]
"Improving Your Ability to Share and Connect" [article]

For the video I watched, I realized how informative it was to use a social graph. I never realized one would be able to see how a group is performing, or the unity of the group, just through the use of social graphing. It was very cool to see how our two political parties, Democrats and Republicans, were fairing in the various events we experienced here in the US. I suggest viewing this video for yourself.

It's hard to go one day without Facebook; now I know why. Its amazing to read how Facebook has to constantly keep up with customer needs and the 21st century. We are constantly yearning for more information and a easy way to access it; Facebook provides us with that, in a social environment. Facebook has come a long way since 2004, and I can see why it has lasted and has stayed as popular as long as it has.
Personally, I don't like frequent change. We all know about how much and often Facebook modifies or updates its site. Though I may not "Be A Fan", in order for Facebook to maintain its competitive edge in the ability to connect and share amongst the world, Facebook NEEDS to keep improving and updating constantly.

I had never thought about this till now

Stay Tuned Next Week....CHANDOO OUT!


  1. Per your recommendation, I watched the video on Social Graphs. I am convinced that the social graph is a powerful tool that can be applied not only to politics but also to business and academia. This tool identifies the areas within the network that can be improved through communication and collaboration resulting in higher unity and productivity. It is indeed a fun video to watch.

  2. Although Facebook is constantly improve connectivity and information sharing for its users, I feel that sometimes the changes happened at too fast a pace for people to keep up. New additions like the news feed require more time to manage information flow. In order to avoid being overwhelmed by a huge amount of information coming in via news feeds, individuals must create lists to categorize the source of information – separating out friends, family, schools, organizations, and etc. That is quite a task for many of us and that means more and more hours to be consumed on Facebook.

  3. I always like how whenever facebook makes a change, everyone starts groups that say "put facebook back to the way to was." Then people get used to the change and the movement dies down. I don't think facebook has ever reverted back after a change, they know what's best for us.

  4. Its funny how we find it hard to go a day without Facebook when we constantly complain about information overload and the many changes that Facebook continues to implement. I do agree with you that Facebook has come a long way and the 'sometimes' unpleasant changes are meant to maintain Facebook's competitive edge. For example, I had accounts with Hi5 and myspace and some other social networking sites but have deactivated them all except for Facebook. I noticed that these sites were mimicking the features of Facebook and in the process lost their originality.

  5. I completely agree that facebook needs to keep changing and evolving because if it doesnt then another social networking tool will and become more popular. Although, I usually dont like most of the changes made on facebook at first I feel myself appreciating them later on.
